About Us Greetings to you, and your home! We are so excited to have you visiting our site!
Come along and meet our family! We are the Renfroe Family -- Paul and Mae, and 10 amazing children .( which we lovingly call "our blessings" ) We are a homeschooling family, and are currently in our 15th year of this wonderful journey! God is so good!! We live along a little country road, surrounded by fields, in Alberta, Canada. ( As of winter 2023/2024 we are currently in our Texas home, which for the last few years we have been living between the 2 places)We love gardening, and growing and preserving our own vegetables. We also pick wild berries and can and freeze those for the winter. All the children enjoy helping with the work. I often say, we work hard, and play hard!! As a family we enjoy going for walks, bike riding, fishing, going on outings and pic-nicks together. By winter we enjoy ice-skating, skiing ( not me ), snow boarding ( not me ), sliding, reading great books, playing games, and making puzzles together. A New Journey On April 19th, 2017 our second oldest son died in a 4-wheeler accident. It is hard to describe how this tragic incident has effected us, and will continue to effect our family for years to come. A life gone in an instant and our family changed forever. Never to be the same again. The first days and weeks were very, very difficult, but we felt the many, many prayers of all our friends and family and from others we did not even know. We could feel God's presence with us and peace and comfort that only He can give. I will be blogging about this new journey we are in here on my web-site, and hope to be an encouragement to others that have also been through a loss of a child. If you have been through this and want someone to talk to, and someone to share with please feel free to contact me. That is why I am here. I'm also looking for speaking opportunities to be able to share our story and bring hope & encouragement to others going through difficult things in life. Grieving with Hope ( blog ) Encouragement in loss ( our complete story of loss & helpful resources ) Hope and Healing After Loss ( Life Coaching ) |
We are the owners of the Renfroe's Christian Library.
Bit about what we believe
We are lovers of God, His Word, and His truth!
We home church on the Seventh Day, believing He has created the Seventh day for rest and worship. How wonderfully form the beginning of time while yet creating the world He knew we would need a day of rest, and he specifically set the Sabbath day aside for just that purpose. An amazing God!! We believe that God sent His son to come to earth as a living sacrifice so whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life in Heaven. We believe that the 10 commandments still stand to day, and that if we truly love Him we will keep and honor His commandments. And His commandments will not be grievous to us. We believe that Jesus is returning soon to take His chosen home to heaven, and to reign forever with Him in His kingdom! With all that is happening in the world we do feel we are truly living in the last days now, and how we long for Christ to return! In the mean time we want to spread His Word and Truth! |
Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your tabernacle.
Psalm43:3 |
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
Mae & Paul Renfroe Family Sept. 12th,2020