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Welcome! Motherhood is a very demanding and hard job, so this page just for you, to encourage, inspire, and keep you going as a mom! I am happy to introduce my special book for mothers that I just recently put together as well.

(Here is the introduction inside the book, More Than a Mother.)
There is no greater role in all the world!
So embrace it, celebrate it, love it, and enjoy it with all you got!
Hi, I am a happy and blessed home-school mom of 9 children, ages 21 to 2. They keep me busy all day every day. But mothering, and all that comes with it, is what I love.
And that love and joy of mothering is what I want to pass on to you. Sure it is a lot of work no doubt, but it is worth every bit of it. Mothers, we are in the highest and most vital calling there is!
So here I have complied a bunch of sayings and quotes for mothers along with some of my own writings to encourage, inspire, and help to keep you going as you keep up your great work of motherhood.
Love Mae
NOTE: I offer support and encouragement to mothers through my Purposeful Mother coaching/mentoring.
Scroll below to read a blog post I written in the early spring of 2017 titled, My Top 10 Mothering Tips. As as well as 2 poems from my book, More Than a Mother. Enjoy!
There is no greater role in all the world!
So embrace it, celebrate it, love it, and enjoy it with all you got!
Hi, I am a happy and blessed home-school mom of 9 children, ages 21 to 2. They keep me busy all day every day. But mothering, and all that comes with it, is what I love.
And that love and joy of mothering is what I want to pass on to you. Sure it is a lot of work no doubt, but it is worth every bit of it. Mothers, we are in the highest and most vital calling there is!
So here I have complied a bunch of sayings and quotes for mothers along with some of my own writings to encourage, inspire, and help to keep you going as you keep up your great work of motherhood.
Love Mae
NOTE: I offer support and encouragement to mothers through my Purposeful Mother coaching/mentoring.
Scroll below to read a blog post I written in the early spring of 2017 titled, My Top 10 Mothering Tips. As as well as 2 poems from my book, More Than a Mother. Enjoy!
~ My Top Ten Mothering Tips ad More
Through these past 16 plus years in my journey with the Lord and my experiences with my raising my children thus far I have complied here a list of my top 10 mothering tips. Things that are top most important to me in my parenting, though they are not in order of importance. I will share them here for encouragement and inspiration for you.
1. Give your children lots of love, time, and attention- you can't give them enough of your time. They don't need more toys, they just want and need your attention.
2. Pray for them everyday, for every little thing and concerns you have for them. Pray, and then pray some more.
3. Read the Bible to them daily- twice, along with good books and reading materials to build their faith in God, and shape and build good Godly character and personalities, teach them what you want them to become, act, learn, ect..
4. Firmness and consistency in correction, but not in anger. Have rules and stick to them.
5. Lots of praise and affirmation for jobs well done, for good attitudes, good behavior, and for unity between siblings. This is great for taking preventive measures to reduce the negative out-put from the kids.
6. Take a nap after lunch -- its what keeps me going the rest of the day! Or even just a quite time in my bedroom like reading a devotional or good book.
7. Say prayers, and Bible verses together when tucking them in bed. This also is a good time to review the day with them if there was any issue, or something that need further discussion and an apology, either coming from child or from parent to child. I find often certain issues that happen during the day do need further discussion and bed time is a perfect time for it. Both parent and child should no longer be mad about the issue, and now each can see the issue rationally or in a new light. And now the child can ponder things you've just said as they lay quietly in bed, and you can pray together about it too.
8. Patience _ is't like prayer, you can't have enough of that!
9. Home schooling them with God filled school. So all day they are learning about God and godly things, in a godly atmosphere. ( I know not every one can or has the opportunity to home school though )
10. Help them to deny the flesh, and hate evil. And don't allow them to watch or read anything that is worldly, it can effect them more than you think. One way is that these things can become more exciting and entertaining to them to read and to fill their time with than a good wholesome book or even the Bible.
Mothering is a tough job! It is probably one of the hardest and most time consuming occupations we will ever do in life, yet also probably the most rewarding one ever. So after it's all said and done it is worth all our time and effort and then some!!
I am privileged to have been a mother now for over 16 years with 8 children aged 16, 14, 11,9, 6, 5, 2, and new born. So I am a mother with a wide range of ages. That is what I find the toughest, is the diverse ages. I feel like all older ones, or all younger ones would be easier. Sure then I would not have teens to help me, but I also would not have the older ones bugging the younger ones or vise versa. The older ones sometimes tease and aggravated the younger siblings, and the younger ones annoy the older ones.
Since mothering is such a hard job, and a huge responsibility I want to give as much encouragement as I possibly can to other fellow moms. I want to uplift them in their great God given role, and encourage them to keep doing that awesomely tough job they are doing day in and day out over and over again!
I have learned so much since I became a mom to my first son at the age of 21. I have grown in patience tremendously, though I need a ton more of it! I have made many mistakes over the years, apologized time and again when I really blew it with the kids, and have been eliminating different things with these younger children than I did with the older ones. I think any mom will more and likely parent their younger ones some different, if not majorly different that the older ones, just because they have learned many things along the way. Despite all that I have learned though over these 16 years, I know that I have much more to learn yet! Maybe when the last of my crew are grown and gone which will be about another 18 years at the very least, I should have it all figured out!! And imagine how old I will be then too! But let's not go there shall we!? :)
I would say one thing that has really made a great difference in my mothering is my walk with the Lord. I was whole heartily committed to God at the time I began as a young wife and mother, and several years prior to that as well. But I did not really have that close of a relationship with Him I must admit, though I never would have really realized it at the time, nor knew at all what direction and areas in life God would bring me, and change in me, ect....
I have came a long way in my spiritual life, and have a much closer walk with the Lord now. And that is just the way it ought be, we should be growing more and more in our spiritual life as each day goes by from that first day that we first committed our lives to God. We have to keep digging into His Word with an open mind and heart and seeking diligently what all the Lord has for us to learn.
One particular area that has been really enriched for me is my prayer life. I pray now about almost any little thing. I can't do it on my own. I can't make it one day with out God and his help. When you have all ages of children all needing your time, attention, and correction, with some trying on your patience much more than others, and so on, you need something for greater than your self to rely on to give you wisdom and to keep you going.
There is many ministries out there that are very great resources for moms, that give them very helpful support, encouragement, and inspiration that has been a great help for me.
With all that we mothers face to day with our parenting in this modern and sinful world, I often think that being a mother back in the Little House on the Prairie days when Laura Ingles was growing up would have been much easier. Sure maybe more hardships, and a lot of physical work, but less decisions to be made. For instance there would have been no video or computer games, no cell phones, no i-pods, no internet, no T.V. None of these many things that grab our children attention, and demand that they just have to have all these gadgets. As well not all the many sports and activities they have to be a part of. Life would have been simpler for sure, and mothering more straight forward.
But I am a parent of today, and I have to make the most of it. And with the Lord's help I can! And so can you!
~ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that give to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1: 5
In Him, Mae
Through these past 16 plus years in my journey with the Lord and my experiences with my raising my children thus far I have complied here a list of my top 10 mothering tips. Things that are top most important to me in my parenting, though they are not in order of importance. I will share them here for encouragement and inspiration for you.
1. Give your children lots of love, time, and attention- you can't give them enough of your time. They don't need more toys, they just want and need your attention.
2. Pray for them everyday, for every little thing and concerns you have for them. Pray, and then pray some more.
3. Read the Bible to them daily- twice, along with good books and reading materials to build their faith in God, and shape and build good Godly character and personalities, teach them what you want them to become, act, learn, ect..
4. Firmness and consistency in correction, but not in anger. Have rules and stick to them.
5. Lots of praise and affirmation for jobs well done, for good attitudes, good behavior, and for unity between siblings. This is great for taking preventive measures to reduce the negative out-put from the kids.
6. Take a nap after lunch -- its what keeps me going the rest of the day! Or even just a quite time in my bedroom like reading a devotional or good book.
7. Say prayers, and Bible verses together when tucking them in bed. This also is a good time to review the day with them if there was any issue, or something that need further discussion and an apology, either coming from child or from parent to child. I find often certain issues that happen during the day do need further discussion and bed time is a perfect time for it. Both parent and child should no longer be mad about the issue, and now each can see the issue rationally or in a new light. And now the child can ponder things you've just said as they lay quietly in bed, and you can pray together about it too.
8. Patience _ is't like prayer, you can't have enough of that!
9. Home schooling them with God filled school. So all day they are learning about God and godly things, in a godly atmosphere. ( I know not every one can or has the opportunity to home school though )
10. Help them to deny the flesh, and hate evil. And don't allow them to watch or read anything that is worldly, it can effect them more than you think. One way is that these things can become more exciting and entertaining to them to read and to fill their time with than a good wholesome book or even the Bible.
Mothering is a tough job! It is probably one of the hardest and most time consuming occupations we will ever do in life, yet also probably the most rewarding one ever. So after it's all said and done it is worth all our time and effort and then some!!
I am privileged to have been a mother now for over 16 years with 8 children aged 16, 14, 11,9, 6, 5, 2, and new born. So I am a mother with a wide range of ages. That is what I find the toughest, is the diverse ages. I feel like all older ones, or all younger ones would be easier. Sure then I would not have teens to help me, but I also would not have the older ones bugging the younger ones or vise versa. The older ones sometimes tease and aggravated the younger siblings, and the younger ones annoy the older ones.
Since mothering is such a hard job, and a huge responsibility I want to give as much encouragement as I possibly can to other fellow moms. I want to uplift them in their great God given role, and encourage them to keep doing that awesomely tough job they are doing day in and day out over and over again!
I have learned so much since I became a mom to my first son at the age of 21. I have grown in patience tremendously, though I need a ton more of it! I have made many mistakes over the years, apologized time and again when I really blew it with the kids, and have been eliminating different things with these younger children than I did with the older ones. I think any mom will more and likely parent their younger ones some different, if not majorly different that the older ones, just because they have learned many things along the way. Despite all that I have learned though over these 16 years, I know that I have much more to learn yet! Maybe when the last of my crew are grown and gone which will be about another 18 years at the very least, I should have it all figured out!! And imagine how old I will be then too! But let's not go there shall we!? :)
I would say one thing that has really made a great difference in my mothering is my walk with the Lord. I was whole heartily committed to God at the time I began as a young wife and mother, and several years prior to that as well. But I did not really have that close of a relationship with Him I must admit, though I never would have really realized it at the time, nor knew at all what direction and areas in life God would bring me, and change in me, ect....
I have came a long way in my spiritual life, and have a much closer walk with the Lord now. And that is just the way it ought be, we should be growing more and more in our spiritual life as each day goes by from that first day that we first committed our lives to God. We have to keep digging into His Word with an open mind and heart and seeking diligently what all the Lord has for us to learn.
One particular area that has been really enriched for me is my prayer life. I pray now about almost any little thing. I can't do it on my own. I can't make it one day with out God and his help. When you have all ages of children all needing your time, attention, and correction, with some trying on your patience much more than others, and so on, you need something for greater than your self to rely on to give you wisdom and to keep you going.
There is many ministries out there that are very great resources for moms, that give them very helpful support, encouragement, and inspiration that has been a great help for me.
With all that we mothers face to day with our parenting in this modern and sinful world, I often think that being a mother back in the Little House on the Prairie days when Laura Ingles was growing up would have been much easier. Sure maybe more hardships, and a lot of physical work, but less decisions to be made. For instance there would have been no video or computer games, no cell phones, no i-pods, no internet, no T.V. None of these many things that grab our children attention, and demand that they just have to have all these gadgets. As well not all the many sports and activities they have to be a part of. Life would have been simpler for sure, and mothering more straight forward.
But I am a parent of today, and I have to make the most of it. And with the Lord's help I can! And so can you!
~ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that give to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1: 5
In Him, Mae
~ Motherhood ~ In all life has to offer there is no role like mother hood! So love it, embrace it, and give it all you got! Tis' one life we have to live, and we know not how long we have, so pour in to your children your love, your time, and the Word of God each and every day! Don't put off till tomorrow what you should say & do today! Focus on the important and let the trivial go. Give them your best, and give them God. And remember each new day that we rise is a true gift from God, and the life He has given us is nothing short of a miracle! So give mothering all you got! ~ Mae Renfroe |
~ The Important Things ~ A life of a mom is a busy one, each new day we find at least 100 little things needing done, and at the end of the day no time for it all we found. But after it is all said and done, there is only a mere handful of things that's really important. These are feeding are children both physically and spiritual, giving them our love, attention, guidance and correction. If we make these our top priorities, then all the rest will fall in place. We needn't stress over the little things, but only focus on the God things! ~ Mae Renfroe |