Gospel Meeting in the Omaha City Park February 27th, 2021
There is power in the Word! The Word changes and transforms lives. Sets people free from strong holds & addictions. It is full of life, power, and brings hope & healing to the hurting. The question is will we allow it to change us? Are we hungry for more of Him? Are we willing to surrender our all for His all? Come out to park and hear as Mae shares her passion for the powerful word and the Hope of God.
Hey Everyone! Here is my message I gave in the park in our community on February 27th. May this Word encourage and inspire you to go deeper in your walk with God so you can experience all that He has for you. So you can live a full live here on earth for God and have the hope of heaven one day when He returns to take His people Home. This world is not our true home, this earth will pass away, we are just passing through. And if we don't have God in our lives now we won't have God or the hope of heaven later. If it's not God we want now, It's not God we will have later. So may you be inspired and empowered in your walk with God. And may you in turn be a light to others so they too may have this same hope in Jesus. We can't keep it to ourselves. P.S. If you would like me to share this same message in your church or community, like a park such as this one, or a community hall, just let me know. I would love to come share. Please see my speaking page or use the contact box. I'm also very eager to have opportunities to share my complete story of loss and a message hope and encouragement I have put together to encourage those going through hard things or difficult season in life.
Short clips of the message in the park
If you would like to host an event at a community hall, city park, or have me come speak at your church's ladies group, grief group, Bible study group, etc... please contact me. I'm open and all fired up to give hope, encouragement, and inspiration! See my speaking page.