( I am copying and pasting this post here which was originally written on New Years Day over on my older blog. )
Happy new day, and new year ya all! But don't take for granted that we will have this whole year. We never know when our time is up on this earth. We must live each day as if each day is a precious miracle and a gift from God. Because each day truly is!! And live each day for God, and be ready to meet Him at any moment!! The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift His countenance unto you, and give you peace! Use this day and every day for our Heavenly Father! Stay strong and true in Him, and never loose hope!! He is with you and for you 24/7!! In Him, Mae
( This is copied and pasted from my older blog. I originally had wrote this on Jan. 4th, 2017 ) So most of you reading my blog will know we are expecting our 8th baby. And due date is like now! So we are anxiously waiting on baby right now. Any momma I know gets just a tad impatient when it's about her time. Gets a little hard to wait patiently. But that doesn't help much. I try to comfort my self in the knowledge that the baby is easier to take care of inside the womb than out. No Diapers, no feedings, and every where you go, baby goes too! Much easier isn't it!? So that is a comfort!! I never am really excited about labour. But I do know that is what it takes to get baby here. So with that in mind I do always anticipate labour, and am like, "When is it going to start already!!?" And every night I go to bed wondering if this is the night, and every morning I wake wondering if this is the day? Last labour was very long. I was at the hospital 23 hours before baby was born. Though that was not all in full labour. I was in very early labour with regular contractions though not painful at all when I went up to the hospital. But being my 7th I thought it would go very fast, and being an hour away too, I thought I should go see if I was progressing at all. Well I wasn't, but they did go ahead and keep me in the hospital in case things started to progress and went fast. But I did not! In fact basically it stalled altogether. Eventually the contractions did start more and harder, but before it was all over the had to give me something to speed labour up. That was the first time I ever had to have that in my labours, and was it ever rough on me. I used laughing gas to make it through. That and praying! I was constantly talking to God through it all. He kept me going!! Anyways so hoping this time is way different! I for one have been taking a product called EZ Birth which you start taking in the 37th week. Is suppose to be a great product. Also now this last week started drinking LOTS of red raspberry tea! And praying about this labour, that I would go in to it with out fear. And that I would really rest and trust in the Lord. Someone just recently told me that she really found comfort in Psalms chapter 34 and 37. So I have been reading those often. Just now while I have been thinking about waiting on baby. A verse came to mind on that. I remember it is one that I really clung to when I was going over due with baby #7. I was over due 2 whole weeks before his delivery. So I will share that here. May it encourage you too if you are waiting on a baby, or anything you may be waiting on. Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Beautiful isn't it?! And there is many more such verse like that through out Psalms. Take care, and no matter your situation wait on the Lord, be patient, and trust in Him! He has got you covered!! In Him, Mae P.S.. I will try to post on here as soon as I can after our baby does arrive!! I usually always share the birth story. I know I love reading birth stories, and I trust other mommas do to!! So our 8th blessing who was due the 7th of January made her entrance exactly 2 weeks later! She just had to drive her mom crazy like that!! She had me nervous as ever about having to deliver another 9 lb. baby, about having to be induced with hard and painful labour like my last one, and because of those 2 concerns had me trying everything I knew possible to kick labour off , and had me praying desperately and almost constantly that I would start labour on my own and that if not and the DR. had to induce that inducing would be better experience this time around. (Now the latter thing was a good outcome of it all, because praying desperately is what we all need to do anyway. It is trying circumstances that drive us to the feet of Jesus, and show us we are nothing and can do nothing with out Him. If everything worked out the way we wanted, when we wanted, and how we wanted, we would not rely on Him as much, and we would not see Him at work. Though He would be there the whole time doing His thing, but it's much easier to take Him for granted that way, or not even know it was Him at work in the first place.) So now for birth announcement details! Rebecca Marie born Jan. 21st, at 9:04 p.m. Weighing 8 lb.s and 19 1/2 inches. Rebecca is little sister to five older brothers and 2 sisters. Labour was 5 1/2 hours after they started me on the drip at 3 :30 p.m. to induce labour. At which I was already 4 cm.s, which I am sure was due to the Foley bulb that they had used the night before on me. Out of those 5 1/2 hours though only 2 of them was hard and more painful contractions. Until 6 p.m. I did not feel them at all even though they were showing up good and strong and steady on the monitor. From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. I started to feel them and breath through them, though not bad at all and I even remained reading my book!!. Then after 7 p.m. at which point I was at about 7 cm.s they were painful enough I needed something for pain relieve, and my book that I no longer was able to read was put aside. So that gives you a picture how great my labour and delivery experience went for me this time. Even though I was induced it went well, and was not crazy and supper painful or anything.( This is not the birth story though, just a few details for now, the birth story will come later.) Looking back at what may have helped to make this labour and birthing experience different than last one and the all the others really was a few different things. Top thing was God of course. I had been praying so much for this labour and delivery, and many others were too. This was also the very first time I drink red raspberry leave tea which I started drinking in my 39th week. I would have started earlier but only just was recommended to me. I got to drink it for 3 weeks since baby was lovingly over due for me!! Also was using a product called EZ Birth for the first time. You start taking it in 37th week up to delivery, well I ran out of it. So got more and kept taking it up to birth of baby. Also used blue cohosh off and on in the 2 weeks before baby came after I hit 40 weeks which is noted to induce labour naturally, but only works if body is ready and doesn't always work for everyone or every labour. And it id not induce labour for me. Yet just the same it can be good and helpful anyway when labour does start, so thinking that could of played a part too in my wonderful labour. ( It is noted that blue cohosh does not work alone, but use together with black cohosh. ) If you want to learn more about the effects and benefits of the red raspberry leave tea, EZ Birth, and blue and black cohosh tinctures just google them. Lots of info out there on those, though you can't believe everything out there or trust every source of course, but I found the info very helpful just the same. Also if your looking for things for naturally inducing labour you will be surprised at what all is suppose to work for that, from dates to pine-apples!! Literally!! Here our sweet baby girl is now 3 days old. Healthy as ever, a great nurser, and beautiful to boot!! I can't ask for more! I am so ever thankful and grateful to God!! She did drive me crazy there going so far over due and all, but all is good, and like I mentioned above it made me rely on God just that much more! And what a great an awesome God He is!! No one else I would rather be totally and completely dependent on!! In Him, Mae Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all from all my fears. Psalms 34: 4 The righteous cry and, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Psalms 34:17 I am now going to be blogging here on my web-site. It will be continuous of my blog over at www.mymotheringjourney.blogspot.com. But instead of blogging there I will just do it here, and combine it with me web-site. It will be easier for me to keep up with that way. And blogging from my web-site has more advantages for me, like posting pictures for one. I have had difficulty posting pictures on my other blog.
So from now on all my blog post that I would normally write over on my other blog will be written here. I may move some of my more recent posts from that blog to here, otherwise though to read any older posts you will have to go over to the other one. Thank you for visiting our web-site, and welcome to my blogging! I try to post something at least once a week, so keep coming back to read the latest thoughts, news, ect.... from my house! In Him, Mae I am now going to be blogging here on my web-site. It will be continuous of my blog over at www.mymotheringjourney.blogspot.com. But instead of blogging there I will just do it here, and combine it with me web-site. It will be easier for me to keep up with that way. And blogging from my web-site has more advantages for me, like posting pictures for one. I have had difficulty posting pictures on my other blog.
So from now on all my blog post that I would normally write over on my other blog will be written here. I may move some of my more recent posts from that blog to here, otherwise though to read any older posts you will have to go over to the other one. Thank you for visiting our web-site, and welcome to my blogging! I try to post something at least once a week, so keep coming back to read the latest thoughts, news, ect.... from my house! In Him, Mae |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024