Hi, welcome to anther video blog post! I have lost track of which week this is since I've started doing my weekly video blog posts, but I guess that part is not really important. This video will be the last one now for a couple weeks since we have our newest baby arriving via c-section on April 2nd, 2019. But I will do a written post soon as I can to share pictures and baby news. In this video you will hear about spring news, what I've been up to lately, our library, ladies Bibles studies, and upcoming baby news. Stay strong in the Lord! In Him, Mae If you're in our area, come check out our library. You can browse our books online as well at www.renfroelibrary.weebly.com
I also hold Ladies Bible studies in our library every Thursday evening.
The goodness of the 10 commandments. The role they play in our lives. And the big question, are they still for us today? These 10 beneficial laws were given by the Creator God to show us how to live a better life now and please God forever. God gave the 10 Commandments from Mount Sinai, accompanied by smoke, earthquakes and the blast of a trumpet to emphasize the importance of these laws. Moses recorded God’s words in Exodus 20 and recounted the event again in Deuteronomy 5. The 10 Commandments List in Exodus 20:2-17
The 10 commandments that God gave His people at MT. Sinia, and wrote with His very own finger, and now are written on our hearts ( Hebrews 10:16 -17 ), are very special and play a very important role for us today. But sadly there are so many misconceptions concerning them. The common modern believe you hear often is that the commandments are done away with. That could not be more false. The 10 Commandments are a guideline for us to live our lives by. And that is the only way we know sin. For sin is the transgression of the law. ( 1 John 3:4 ) They are God’s little set of rules on how He wants us to live, and It’s what sets His people apart from the world. If we threw out the 10 commandments and lived like the world, well, we would be just like the world then. We also know we woulnd’t get far in life breaking the laws of the land, and how much more respect and hounor should we have for the of laws God? All 10 of God’s commandments are still very much for us to keep today. Yes, even the 4th one about keeping the Sabbath day. There is great misconception just with that one alone. It is the common and popular belief that the 4th commandment was changed to Sunday in the New Testament. That belief is so contrary to scripture and couldn’t be further from the truth. None of the commandments were changed, as we can read in Jesus own words. Matthew 5:17-19 King James Version (KJV) 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. The keeping of the 7th Day Sabbath is so easy. But I think that is where many are willing to throw out all 10 commandments without question, yet bringing them all back except the 4th one, because they feel it is going under some ancient and impossible-to-keep law to keep the Sabbath. But keeping of the 7th Day Sabbath is just like most would do for Sunday. Sabbath is a day of rest and worship, and not a day do your normal work or shopping. That’s it, and that simple. Also there is a common belive that if you keep Sabbath instead of Sunday you are going under a law that Jesus set you free from because it was a burden. But the none of 10 commnadmnets are a burden and nothing to to be set free from. It is simpley the Christian way to live. I love Jesus words in these verses below. 1 John 5:3 (KJV) 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.John 14:15 (KJV) 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. If you would like to contact me to ask questions about anything I have written here, I would love to hear from you. My family and I have been keeping the Sabbath ever since I was little, so it has always been a part of my life. And I am always happy to be able to talk to others about it.
Keep serving Jesus with all of your heart, pleasing and honoring Him in everything! In Him, Mae ![]() Good news everyone! Our newest blessing is arriving April 3rd! My due date was April 10th, but due to me being on blood thinners to prevent blood clots, the Dr.s want to induce a week early to prevent my going into labor on my own. With me being on blood thinners it needs to be a more controlled birth, and I will stop the blood thinner about 24 hours before delivery day. At my last week's appointment and sonogram our baby is laying transverse instead of head down so that throws a new twist do this delivery too. The Dr. said if the baby has not flipped head down by this next appointment that we would be looking at C-section instead of the induction. C-section is certainly all new to me so even just at the mention of that word I get scared. Just recently I got too talk to a couple moms who have had c-sections and they have put my mind to rest on a lot of questions I had, so that has really helped me be more comfortable with the fact it may come to c-section. And to tell the truth induced labors are not much fun either! All my labors have been quite long and hard for me. There was a couple shorter ones. But otherwise labor has not been something I looked forward to because of how long and hard my labors were, and then my last 2 I was 42 weeks overdue and had to be induced. Induction seems to make for a harder and more intense labor experience. So a c-section could be a very welcome break for me! And give me an all new and better delivery experience. This would be the first for an epidural for me as well. For now I am enjoying the remaining days of my pregnancy. Only eight more! I am honestly not ready for it to be over that soon, I love this part too much!
I have always loved pregnancy. I love the attention I get. I enjoy maternity clothes. I love seeing my belly grow bigger and bigger. But I especially love the movements, the bumps and the kicks. And just the fact at how amazing it is to have a baby in the womb growing so perfectly and wonderfully. What a miracle it is. I love it all! And life it's self is a miracle. How easy it is to take our lives for granted. And how easy it is to think that we will always be here, until we are old anyway, right? But are days are all numbered. and each new day God grants us is a gift. Not to be taken for granted, but used wisely and for His glory knowing that it is a miracle we are here. And that God has a plan and a purpose for us. Our time is not to be wasted, but to be invested! All for His glory! In Him, Mae P.S. I will post here soon as I can after baby arrives with the delivery news, and baby pictures. Have you gone through something terribly hard in your life? And your heart is breaking? Well I have good news for you. I serve a God who is a healer of broken hearts. Yep, that is specialty I think! After the tragic loss of our son in 2017 our hearts were breaking. Even though I felt the peace and comfort of God surrounding me. Still you wonder if you will ever heal from something like that, and if you will have true joy again. I am here to say, "Yes, your heart will heal. You will have joy again. And things will get better with time." It truly will. About a year after our son's death one particular day missing my son hit me really hard. And I commented to my mom, "It's like a wound that never heals. A wound that never goes away." With it drawing on almost another whole year since then, I would say the wound feels very healed. I still miss him a lot of course and always will. That will never go away. And never change. Our son, Clayton, will always be a real part of our lives, but always the missing part. But the gaping wound I feel is healed. I know that the grieving process and healing time for everyone is as unique and different as each of us humans are. And that's okay. There is no time limit on how long we will grieve. And no rules. But I feel we can get our selves moving in the right direction of healing and finding hope and joy again when we completely surrender our lives to God. And we seek Him daily and in every area in our lives, casting all our worries and cares on Him. He can handle all that, and it will give us such a peace of mind. Right after losing our son all I could do was pray. And what a comfort it was. I just told Him everything. Everything I was feeling. And was constantly praising and thanking Him. It was amazing to be in communion with with Him like that. That truly kept me going. And continues to keep me going! Finding things to be thankful for and give God praise for was a big healer for me. Even in our deepest sorrow and in the worse of circumstances we can find things to be thankful for if we only try. I did. Yes, even with tears running down my face at times. And what a blessing it was to me. To read more on the benefits of being thankful read my blog post being-thankful-even-in-difficult-things-such-as-a-loss.html What ever it is you are going through right now. And no matter how much your heart is breaking. I want you to know there is hope and healing. You will have joy again. And God has a great plan and purpose for you in and through this and because of this.
Commit your life to Him. And trust Him. And remember if you need someone to talk to please contact me. I will be more than happy to connect with you and be a support and encouragement. In Him, Mae Hey, welcome to this week's video log post! I am talking about encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring our children,with the words we use! Oh, the power of the tongue and of our words. We can either tear down or build up. Give hope, or dash dreams. There is so many verses on how our speech ought to be, and I share several of those in this video. May we all speak life with the words we use! In Him, Mae Yes, God always hears us, and answers all our prayers. The problem is, we may not always like the answers. It is okay for us to prayer for some things that we think is good. But we need to be ultimately seeking His will in the matter and not our own. So then when the answer doesn't come the way we had hoped for, we are still okay with it, because what we really wanted was His will. Our true desire and want, is to want what He wants for us. A good thing when you are praying for a certain direction in your life, or for a certain door to open, is to pray that He would close every door you are not to walk through. And really seek and pray for His will in the matter and not your own. Rest, trust, and know He wants what best for us, and He can see that so much more clearly than we can. He can see the big picture and the future, unlike us who can only see the here and now. Never under estimate the power of prayer and the power of God!
Prayers does wonders for us in so many ways. When we prayer for certain things, not only do we receive the answers, "Yes", "No", or "Wait", but we receive so much more than that as well. When we fervently come to the Lord in prayer, regardless of the turmoil our minds, hearts, and spirits had just been in, our hearts are comforted, our anger melts away, our minds and our souls become peaceful, and fears and worries dissolve. It's beautiful and amazing! Take everything to the Lord in prayer, no matter how great or how small it may be. He hears and He cares. And regardless of how small it may seem to you, if it's troubling you, you need to release it to the One who can take care of it for you. ~ Keep diligent in prayer. It works! God is the answer to all our problems! In Him, Mae Welcome to this weeks video blog post! Part two of Six Secrets to living a Joy-Filled Life. In this video I recap on the first three we covered in part one; being thankful in all things, rejoicing in God, and forgiving. Then I dig into the last three: dying to self, seeking God first, and trusting God. In Isaiah 26: 3-4 we read some very beautiful words. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trust in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. In Him, and Him alone, we will have perfect peace, and a joy-filled life! In Christ, Mae |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024