How about listing to only Christian music, and nothing else? Hey, would you like to join me in listening to only Christian music? It will change your life! And for the better! Trust Me! There was a time about 11 to 12 years ago when I use to listen to most any country music station that came on the radio. What I now call worldly music. ( It was in small amounts and not everyday mind you, but still. ) I never really thought much of it. I never really considered that it wasn't pleasing or glorifying to God. That never even crossed my mind. I was just enjoying the music. Enjoying the beat and rhythm. Then something changed. Somehow it hit me that all that we do, all that we watch, or listen to is to be pleasing and God honoring if we are indeed His children. And most country music certainly does not do that! So that was it. I was off of every station but Christian. no more worldly junk for me! That was the same time when I changed the movies I watched and the books I read. And the same goes for our children even in their teens. They know I don't allow or respect worldly music. Unfortunately when out and about in stores, in Doctor or dentist offices I sometimes have to listen to the worldly music against my will. And what a shock I get! Seems the worldly music has gotten much worse since I use to listen to it. It was some horrible stuff I heard and just a common country station. YUCK! My all time favorite verse in the Bible to use to rate music, movies, ect... is Philippians 4:8. If the music, movies, and books fits this verse then your good to go, if not out it goes! That simple! And we need to really consider the power of music and lyrics. They effect us more than we think. And they clog our brain. So if it is is not good stuff then there we are with all this junk in there, and floating around, and coming to our memory when ever we want or maybe even when we don't want it to. Christian music is so full of encouragement, of hope, inspiration, and powerful words and truth that lift us up and keeps us going strong as a believer. And if you have the music playing through out your day you are like getting a devotional after devotional all day long! Not just your 15 to 30 minutes in the morning or evening. And what better words, or phrases to have floating around in your head, and coming off your lips! God gets praise and glory! And you get a boost of energy and a dose of hope to keep on going! My favorite Christian radio station is out of Tyler, Texas. So when we are down here in our Texas home that is the radio station I have on in our home or car and it is continuous great Christian music from many great Christian artist. And now my son has figured out that we can also hear it when we are in our Canada home too! So if you are going to do Christian music this is the radio station you will want. Wherever you are in the world you can still listen to it!! So I do hope you will, if you don't already, take up the challenge with me. Your whole life will be blessed for it! And God will be honored!
~May every little detail of your life be honoring and pleasing to God! In Him, Mae
Isn't it beautiful when we see answers to our prayers!! ![]() Not all the time can we visually see our prayers being answered though, but when we have prayed for something specific and it comes into being it is so awesome and is a great thing to share with others. I have a couple older answered prayers I wanted to share here as well as one very recently. The recent first. As you may know I am in the process of writing my fourth self published book, which I work on as I have time. I use the book wright program from blurb. Anyway my lap-top was not connecting to our internet for awhile, so my husband finally had to do some over-hauling on my lap-top. And when he was done some things were missing off my computer. Book wright was one of them! And no matter how I searched on my computer I did not find my book in progress. You can know I was very worried because if I lost the book there was no way I was starting again, I have no time for sure! So I went to God in prayer on this. My husband downloaded the book wright program again and opened it and there was my books!!! Praise the Lord! Here is another answered prayer. A kind of funny one. It was just a couple days before my husband was to fly up to Canada with our oldest son, Nathan, who would then be away all summer long. And I planed a trip to town with Nathan before he was to leave. I had only this one day to work with. And during the night I ended up with diarrhea. Like bad diarrhea. And I had an upset stomach too. I announced at breakfast that I didn't see how I could go. I didn't want to give us that easy, but I knew it wasn't wise for me to be going out in that condition. I decided to lay down for a little nap and see if that would help. Getting up still feeling rough Paul said he would take Nathan instead. I agreed but didn't like that one bit. I was upset that diarrhea would hold me back from this special day with my son! I was like, "No this will not happen". I am going go to God in prayer on this one! So I went in the bathroom on my knees and prayed that God would stop my diarrhea so that I could go and take Nathan to town. So I came out and announced that I prayed and that I was going. Mind you it took a lot of faith. I was being pretty brave. But I was determined. So off we went. I went to the bathroom as often as I could while in town. All went well. And we had a very good time. That afternoon when I got back, my diarrhea started up again and again all night long. Boy was it very obvious as well as very exciting to see what God did for me so that I could go and spend that day with Nathan before he left!! Oh, how He loves me! Praise God for all His goodness!! Here is a very special answer to prayer that occurred in the late winter/early spring of 2018. In the early spring of 2017 I had been doing little meetings with the children once-in-awhile. And this particular meeting was caught on video by my younger son Ben. This one contained Clayton and was a complete riot because of him. He was loads of fun in our meeting! As you may know Clayton passed away in April 2017. So this little video holds a lot of memory for us, and is very, very special. Well time went by and one of our little ones played with the video camera one day. After that time we found certain videos had been deleted and in all appearance the one of our meeting was one of them. Gone. We could never get that back again. You know I was completely heart broken. On different occasions we determinedly tried to look for it on there, but all with no luck. Finally once when we were talking about it, I got quite worked up about it. Sam said he was going to try once again to look for it. So I told him to wait that I wanted to go pray first. So off to my room I went and I cried out to the Lord that that seemingly deleted video with our son Clayton would reappear back on the video chip. I come out and Sam, who also had been praying, turned on video camera and scanned through the chip again. And guess what there was the missing video!! Praise God who cares about these little things that we care about! Isn't He so good! So of course we lovingly devoured that video several times in a row. Oh, how I love answered prayed like this! Don't you?
Our God sees. He hears. He cares! Praise God He is good! ( And He can stop diarrhea! ) In Him, Mae I am excited about a video blog post I am planning to do soon about what God is doing in our lives and with our story. In this video I will share the story of the tragic loss of our 14 year-old son in April 2017. As I share the story of our great loss I will also be sharing about the hope we have in Jesus. And what God has been doing in our lives between then and now. Because of our loss and through our loss.
It is a beautiful story in the making. That I am more than confident. But when you can't see the whole story, and you can't see the ending from the beginning it is so hard to go on in faith knowing that there will be an extraordinary ending that we can't even begin to imagine or think. I am not referring to the end of story when we will be gloriously carried Home to be forever with our Heavenly Father. But the end here on earth. How the story goes down here this side of heaven. I know that God has a beautiful ending here through and because of our loss and that our story is not over yet. My desire is to be a vessel that He can use to bring hope, life, encouragement, and inspiration to someone else who is hurting. A voice He can speak through. A life He can use for His glory. Whatever you have been through or are going through, know that God loves you more than anything. He sees your pain, and He hears your cries. He knows and He cares. He is coming through on your behalf! Your story is not over. He has an amazing and beautiful ending for you! In Him, Mae ( This video blog post mentioned above will be done in our little library building in our Alberta home. You should be able to expect to see it here on my blog in 2 to 3 weeks. ) Here I come with video blog post from my home to yours! (I recorded this video in our new unfinished bedroom. So excuse the bare sheetrock behind me!) Two pieces of exciting news in here! ~ About Mae's Life Coaching ~ Announcing upcoming all new ladies Bible Studies ~ Plus just inspiration and encouragement! These bible studies will be held in our library at our Alberta home. Visit Library here. Read Bible studies details here. May you be blessed and encouraged to be and do all that God has for you! Don't let fear hold you back or your feelings of being unequipped and unqualified. Because if He is calling you to do something He will equip you to do it! In Him, Mae Your world is not falling apart, it's falling into place!
It truly is! I know this may be hard to see or believe at the time if you are going through something really hard in your life and in all appearances your world and life is completely falling apart. As we felt after the death of our son in April 2017. But we humans can only see the small picture. If we could only see what God can see! This is only a stepping-stone to what great things He has in store for you and I. We all know the story of Joseph in the Bible. He was sold into slavery by his very own brothers. If this wasn't bad enough, he later was thrown into prison and under false accusations no less. Talk about his world falling apart! But that is not the end of the story! Turns out this was part of God's great plan for his life, so that he could do something mighty for many nations including his very own brothers. Because of him being at that place at that time he saved many from starving in the seven years of famine. This verse in Genesis 50: 19-20 sums it all beautifully! "And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive." Wow! That which was meant for evil, God turned it into something beautiful for His glory! ( There is many for such similar stories in the Bible as well.) Don't you just love how God does that! Joseph certainly had all the right in the world to believe his world was falling apart. But we know how the story ends! His world was not falling apart, it was just falling into place! Glory be to God! And that is the same for you and I too! These hard things in life that we can not understand why, are getting us to where God wants us. He has a plan we can not see. And that plan is greater than anything we could ever hope for or imagine. I am getting excited just thinking about it! God is going to do great things through you and I! Please believe that! He is going to turn our pain into purpose! Our tragedies into triumphs! Our tears into joy! Our setbacks into a break through! Our wounds into beauty marks! Our sorrows into serving! All for His glory and to save many! Halleluiah, Jesus wins! So when you think your world is falling apart, trust God that it's really not, but that it is just falling into place. In Him, Mae P.S. If you have not made God the Lord of your life yet. If He is not the very center of your life or your personal saviour. May this be your moment. Today is your day! He is waiting for you. And if you need someone to talk to besides our all knowing and all loving God please contact me, I would love to hear from you. I would love to help you to make this big step, or just be there for you in your difficult time. Lovingly, Mae Every time when I use to hear someone say you need to believe in your self, I would say under my breath, "You aren't suppose to believe in yourself, you are suppose to believe in God."
But recently when I really pondered that phrase, I realized there really is some truth in it after-all and it is really not that far off. Because when we truly believe in God, then we believe who he said He is. And we believe He does what He says He can do. We believe we are who He says we are. And we believe we can do what He says we can do! Wow, isn't that so powerful and amazing! So If we believe God is who He said He is, does what He said He can do, and we know who we are in Christ, and what He says we can do then we can believe in our selves. We can believe that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.( Philippines 4:13) We can believe that we can be overcomers. We can believe that we can be victors. We can overcome addictions, fears, strongholds of bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness. Because greater is He in us than he that is in the world. ( 1 John 4:4 ) And true love cast out all fear! ( 1 John 4:18 ) He has equipped us with what we need. We only need believe that He is for us and not against us. He is our strength. Our refuge. Our strong tower. ~ It's time that we believe that we are who He said we are and that we can do what He said we can do! In Him, Mae ( Reposting a blog post that was orginally written on my older blog in 2016. Be and sure to read the update at the bottom of the post! )
There is nothing that means more to me than using my life to serve and honor God and be a blessing to others. It is my highest goal and greatest desire in life! Apart from being a wife and mother- which is in its self a very great and honorable role along with being a huge responsibility to boot, I have been praying about what other areas or things the Lord might have for me to do. This has really intensified in the last couple of years. Last year I had had the great privilege of helping to organize and plan an Above Rubies Ladies Retreat in our area. This year I am organizing an Above Rubies Family Camp. Super excited about that, and having lots of fun working on the all the details that it involves. It has been in the back of my mind for some time now about writing a couple of books. And it has been more and more on my mind lately, though I just don't see how it is going to happen. Praying that if this is the Lord's idea and not just mine, He will show me how I am to make that a reality. The books I am wanting to write is a devotional, and the other a book of promises from Psalm. The book of devotionals will be composed largely of my writings here as well as more writings I have been busy at lately in my notebook. The book of promises form Psalms will be filled with beautiful pictures, and then verses from Psalms that will be organized in categories. I already have my categories are written down, and lots of ideas for it in my head!! A new thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is starting a website ministry. I have this blog that has been a wonderful blessing for me. I feel though maybe I could do more on a website, and reach more people that way as well. So praying for the Lord's direction in that. I will share that here soon as I do have a website. I will try to link the two together or something. Another thing I would love to do is to be able to sing better and to be able to speak comfortably in front of a big crowd. Anyone who was at the ladies retreat last year will know my lack of speaking skills!! And I certainly did not dare lead in singing! I would so love to though! That is one of my dreams by the way. I am committed to practice singing with my children every day. A new goal of mine for this year. Practice makes perfect, right!? And every time I read to the children I pretend that I am speaking to a group of ladies!! That should work right!? I know that we all have different talents, and it could very well be singing and speaking is not mine, and never will be. But I am concerned about being guilty of having talents and not using them or using my time wisely. I believe the more we use our talents to bless God with, the more He will bless us with talents. We all have talents or gifts that we excel in, and they all differ from one another. What is important is that we use them always and only for God. May you be a blessing to God and to those around you with your time and talents! In Him, Mae ( p.s. update Agu. 3, 2018. Since the time I had written the above blog post I have felt God calling me to speaking and I have had a couple opurtuties now, and I did so much better than I did at that ladies retreat mention here. I can not wait to see what all God has planned for me in thies area in my futuer. Right now I am currently enrolled in a Christian life coach course, and after the completetion of that I will be taking the Life Coach speaking course. Then I will be a certified Life Coach Speaker. I am so excaited!! I love how God opens doors!! Look what God can do with a shy girl like me! He can do it for you too! He is very amazing!) |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024