![]() ~ Hey you all! I've just done a little video to introduce and promote the Lights For Jesus Ministry website and blog. If you have already been following along on my blog for awhile, then you may know all there is to know about my website/blog, but if you are new here, this will be a great way to get to know what we are all about here! And what all I have to offer, and the many great resources for you and your family. Here is a few things you find here. ~ Video Blog Posts ~Podcast ~ Life coaching ~ Hope in Loss & grief resources ~ Encouragement for Mothers ~ Articles ~ Encouragement for families & links to helpful sites & recommenced home-school resources ~ Books by Mae Renfroe Well after watching this video you will get to know what all my ministry is about, and get a feel for my heart and passion to reach out and encourage other wives and mothers. If you would take a moment to share this website and blog with your friends and family, or on social media I would be very grateful to you! I am wanting my ministry to get out there and get know so I can be an encouragement and blessing to others through my blog posts, articles, podcasts, and videos. Thanks for following along with me! In Him, Mae
![]() In this video I talk about being okay with starting small. Even if it's small for a long time. Be faithful in that. Keep preserving, keep pressing on. If God gave you the dream it will happen. It will come about, it will grow, and it will prosper. But in His timing, not ours ; and in His way, not ours. Your beginnings may be small, but the outcome will be sure to be beyond your wildest dreams. When we give our little to God He does wonders with it and makes it grown and multiply. God goes way past what we can even think of, hope for, or imagine. So be okay with starting little. But keep your eyes on that big dream. Here is my encouragement to you, for whatever that dream of your is, keep chasing that dream, don't loose hope, and don't give up! Your breakthrough is around the corner! And remember, quitters never win, winners never quit! So start small and keep thinking big! But most importantly start!! If this has been a blessing to you, please share it, In Him, Mae
Hey you all!
Here is episode 5 of our podcast! You will be sure to enjoy this one! The girls and I have lots of fun while we talk about what they do with their extra time since they do not have cell phones, or i-pads, i-pods, x- boxes, or tablets. The girls say it is very doable to live with out phones. So there you have it. Great encouragement to you! We would appreciate if you would spread the word to our friends about our podcast to help us build our audience so we can bless and encourage more moms and girls!! In Him, Mae Hey you all! Here is a little fun video to introduce the podcast the girls and I have just recently started. We thought this would be a fun way to introduce what we are doing and give you, our listeners, a glimpse of the faces and voices you hear on the podcast. So enjoy, and please spread the word to your friends. We are wanting to build our audience, and get this out there and known. Because our desire is to bless and encourage as many moms and young daughters as we can. Shining our lights from our home to yours! Here is the link to our page here on our website for our podcasts. Podcast by Mae and girls. Here is a link to episode 5, the episode we did just before we made this video. In Him, Mae This is a blog post I started writing this past summer and just now finished. These things came to me in my pondering about what God must be thinking of, or feels about, the things we do or don't do. I believe we can know exactly how God feels about everything in our lives by His instruction book -- the Bible. I've written this to read like a little letter from God just for you. As you read it may you feel the great care and love He has for you. Enjoy! Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV)28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. My precious child, you live in fear of so many things, yet I've told you to fear not and do not be afraid 365 times throughout the Bible. That's one for every day. Whenever you're afraid just trust in me. ( Psalm 56: 3-4 ) I told you I'd never leave you nor forsake you. ( Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5, Isaiah 41:13) And that wherever you go, I'd be with you. ( Joshua 1:9, 2 Corinthians 13:11) Dear one, you worry about your protection, feeling like you have to protect yourself from the bad guys. But I'm your protector and protection. Your refuge, deliverer, and strong tower. ( Proverbs 18:10, Psalms 61:3, Psalm 18:2-3, Psalms 19:14) Remember, greater is He in you than he that's in the world. ( 1 John 4:4 ) How many times I've wanted to tuck you under my wings like a mother hen and you would not.( Matthew 23:37) You often run to other sources. Please stop running away and run into my arms instead. I didn't give you a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7 ) True love cast out fear. (1 John 4:18) And I give perfect peace to those who keep their minds on me.( Isaiah 26:3) My beloved, you worry and fret over so many little details. Be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6-7 )You can't change anything with your worries except for ruining your day. Don't worry about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, Matthew 6:34 ) And don't let your heart be troubled. ( John 14:27 ) Cast all your cares on me, I will take care of it for you and give you rest. ( 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 11:28-30) And don't forget my dear child, you are more valuable than many sparrows. Matthew 10:28-31 You run to the doctor or for medicine over most any little ailment and sickness. Hello, I'm a great physician,( Luke 5:31-32, John 5:1-9). By my stripes, you are healed. ( Isaiah 53:5) And is my hand shortened that it can not save? (Isaiah 59:1) Or is there anything too hard for me. Jeremiah 32:27 You're looking for advice and guidance? Call on me and I will show you great and mighty things, Jeremiah 33:3. I gave you an instruction book that has everything you need to know about living life. Read it! I gave you guidelines and measures to live by for a reason. If you follow them you will have a lot less trouble in life, and better health. Trust me. And if you lack wisdom, just ask me. James 1:5 You live on too much coffee and too little sleep. Yet I've told you, "Behold I give my beloved sleep". ( Psalm 127:2, Psalm 4:8) You rush about wearing yourself out doing and filling your time with things I never intended you to do, all the while neglecting the things I did say to do. I want you study the Word to show yourself approved. ( 2 Timothy 2:15) Pray without ceasing. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Acts 12:5, 2 Timothy 1:3 ) Teaching, instructing and training your children in the way they should go. ( Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Proverbs 23:6). Seek first the kingdom of God. ( Luke 12:22-32) And remember the great commission of spreading the gospel into all the world? ( Mark 16: 15 ) Someone somewhere, whether it be near or far, is waiting to hear the good news from you. May you be encouraged today that God loves you more than words could ever say, and He has you very best in mind! In Him, Mae John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.1 John 4:19 (KJV) We love him, because he first loved us. |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024