![]() Here is a little video to give you hope and encouragement for whatever you may be going through in life. God is with you & for you, and has a plan and purpose for what He allows you to go through. He knows how to turn the worst of your tragedies into the greatest triumphs for His glory! The greater the test, the greater the testimony! So don't loose hope. He loves you and cares for you. And He will see you through this! In this video I share our story of loss, and how God gave me comfort and peace right through it all. And I talk about how you can have that same hope and peace in Christ.
If you would like to see the longer version of our story of loss and hope on video please see this previous blog post. the-video-of-our-story-of-loss-hope-encouragement-and-inspiration-for-the-hurting.html And I would love it if you would pass this on to as many people as you can. I want this to reach as many people as possible. I'm passionate about being a light in someones dark world. And a hope for the hurting. That there is healing of broken hearts in God. And that He cares for you and He is passionately crazy in love with you. May Jesus be your personal Savior and the Lord of your life today. Place your life in His hands for there is no safer and better place to be! In Him, Mae
![]() Hey, here is vlog for you this week! Making God the center of your life and homes I know I have talked about this in previous blog posts, but just felt a desire to talk about this again this morning on video. How important that we make God first place in our lives, our homes, and in everything we do. God wants and desires that close relationship with us. And we wants not only to dwell in our hearts, but in right in our homes with us as go about our day, everyday. Hoping this little video will encourage and inspire you as you implement this in your home, and impart God to your children. In Him Mae Have things happened that is beyond your control and has left you reeling in pain and sorrow? Are you wondering how you can possibly go on with life, and if you will ever have joy again? Are you trying to make sense of it all, and asking why, God, who is in control of all things, would have ever allowed the thing to happen in the first place? Are you so down, you don't know how you will ever get up again? Whether it was the tragic and sudden death of a child or another loved one, a divorce, rejection, a Dr.s diagnosis, etc.... Life was going along smooth and everything was great. Things couldn't have been better. And then out of nowhere in a single moment this happened. And everything changed. Your world turned upside down. You were knocked you off of your feet. The wind blew out of your sail. And your left wondering where God is in all of this. And why He hasn't stopped this. Sometimes God calls us through things instead of around them. But He is right there with us through it all. We want God to hurry and calm the storm. But God wants us to find Him in the midst of the storm first. ( Continued below the video. ) God does His most stunning work where things seem the most hopeless. God is able to bring hope into your life even when everything seems hopeless. Were there are pain and suffering God is right there too. And there is no better place for the greatness & brilliance of God to shine! I may not know what you are going through, but I know that I serve a faithful God who is in control all things and has a plan and a purpose for what He allows to happen in our lives. There is no accidents with God and He makes no mistakes. He will turn your pain into a purpose! Your test into a testimony! Your tragedies into triumphs! Your wounds into beauty marks! Your setbacks into breakthroughs! Your disability into a possibility! All for His glory and your better good! Amen! As you listen to our family's personal story of loss and hope may you be filled with that same peace, comfort, and joy that I have been. I pray you will be inspired to get up and keep on going. And if it's too hard to stand, remember to kneel. It's down on our knees that He can lift us back up again. When bad things become unbearable, trust that good things are going to happen. That's when God does His greatest work!
Please know there is better days ahead. You will get through this, you will be filled with joy, and have a peace that passes all human understanding. And you can have a full and blessed life after loss. God has a plan for you that is better than you can ever hope for or imagine. Keeping pressing into God and pressing on! He will be with you all the way. And remember if you need someone to talk to just contact me. That's what I am here for. take a minute and leave me a comment or e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. And let me know how I can pray for and with you. God's greatest blessings to you my dear friend! In Him, Mae Renfroe [email protected] Hi you all! This week I have a little video from my son oldest Nathan. He is a fellow blogger and author, as well as founder of The SunShining. The SunShining is a ministry devoted to providing godly resources. Resources that shine, to help people live lives that shine. And as a ministry devoted to providing godly resources Nathan encourages and wants to help other Christian writers. thesunshining.weebly.com My last video was titled, How I have time to write & blog, and how you can too.
In that video I talked about things I do and don't do which provides me a little time most days to devote to my second passion or ministry, my first being my husband and kids. I mentioned about social media being very time consuming and something you may want to really limit so that you can have more time to spend on your writing or on others things that really matter to you. After seeing that video of mine my son let me know how useful the social media can be to the writer being the perfect platform for sharing and promoting our blogs and books, etc.. So in that regards the social media can be good thing for the writer and for those in the ministry. We just have to be in control of it and not let it control us, and learn out to put social media to work for us. So watch, enjoy, and be inspired, and encouraged in your writing! There may be many bloggers and authors out there, but no one has your testimony or will have the same message you have. Someone somewhere right now needs to hear the message you have, and the lessons you have learned from what you have been through. So what are you waiting for? What's keep you back from bringing inspiration and hope to someone today? If you need time you will find it. In Him, Mae You also may like..... how-i-have-time-for-writing-blogging-and-how-you-can-too.html i-can-write.html writing.html Hey there! Here is great vlog for you this week! Over my approximately 10 years of blogging I have been asked many times how I have time to blog. And now that I've been writing books combined with that I am certainly asked that question. So in this video I answer it the best I can. And not only answer the question in how I get time to blog and write in midst the the business of mothering, housekeeping, gardening, and homeschooling, but I also let you know how you can get time to do it as well. Or any other thing that you are desiring to do, but don't see how you can get the time to do it. If there is a will there is a way! So this video will give you the perfect inspiration you need to do what it is God has called you to! Are willing to give of your self? If you give it to God He will bless it! Watch and be inspired! In Him, Mae A video blog post for your encouragement and enjoyment! On here I talk about what is keeping us busy this spring. And have included several pictures that showcase that. Also I lightly talk about the dangers of children on the internet. And I talk from experience on this. Iv'e had couple run-ins now with a couple of my children viewing behind my back unappropriated content on the intent. I highly recommend that parents be on alert where the internet is concerned, because even the best of children can be tempted at times. Check history time to time, and not just ask them because they may lie to you due to being afraid. Iv'e had experience that issue too. And then if you have found bad content on their watch history comfort them carefully and in love. I had very good results when I did this. And this particle child was so glad I finally uncovered what he had been doing. He was sincerely repentant and glad it was over. And we had no problems again.
Well please watch, enjoy, and be blessed! In Him, Mae There will be no video blog post this week. Sorry. Last night was my Bible study night, but since no one was able to come to that I had planned to do a blog video in that time slot instead. And then...... a lot happened, and it got crazy busy around here. And now I'm preparing to get ready to go to my sister's place for the weekend which is a few hours from our place. So sadly no video this week. But I got plans for the next one. So I will just give you some quick inspiration here and then got on to my busy day here. Is there something in your life that seems utterly impossible? Maybe it's even something you feel God called you to, but now you don't see how it can possibly work out. Things are holding you back, there is obstacles in the way.
Well I am here to tell you not to loose heart and not to give up! We serve a God who can do the impossible! It's time to start living like we believe that. And please know that if He has called you to it He will provide a way and make it possible. He has a plan. Hang in there and keep trusting and keep believing. With God the impossible becomes possible!! Until next time, Mae My latest book is available for purchase! Find it here on amazon today. And be blessed and encouraged in your mothering and in your spiritual life.
This book, several years worth of blog posts, is full of encouragement, inspiration, and wisdom from my hose to yours! Be sure and share with friends! In Him, Mae Life has been busy at our house. And because of that, it's been two weeks since I did a video blog post, and over a week since I did a written post. Some of the things consuming my time lately are: ~ My husband coming home from Texas. ~ Going out to Edmonton with him for an appointment for our baby Faith concerning her head shape. All went well. ~ Planting in our garden. ~ And keeping our garden watered due to a major lack of rain in our area. ~ Still busy schooling. ~ Tending to the children. ~ Cooking and housekeeping. ( You know, the usual) Hoping things will slow down and I will get back to doing blog videos this week. And will continue writing as time allows. In the meantime, I would love to hear from you, my readers. Let me know you visited my website/blog. How you liked it. What was your favorite recent post of mine? Or anything else you would like to tell me. I would love to connect with you. I want to be a blessing and encouragement to you. And would like to know how I can do that even more. And if you have something I can pray with you about as well, please let me know. That what I'm here for. A big exciting thing for me that I'm really wanting to work on soon is a video of our story of loss and hope. I already have some done in that way, and just need to add to it and do some editing. My hopes for that video is to share it with as many people as possible through my website and blog, and you-tube, to give inspiration and encouragement to as many people as possible. I want to give life and hope to others from the loss of our son. That is what kept me going right from the beginning of loosing our son; is that I felt God had big plan in this for us. A plan to give life to others - eternal life in Christ. Only God knows how all He will use this, and what all plans He has, I just want to be His willing servant. And I just want to say yes to His will.
I would not only love to hear from you. But I would also love your prayers in this as well. For God's guidance and direction over me, and for extra time to accomplish this. (Extra time is not something I have a lot of as busy mom eight.) Please keep visiting my blog for more great stuff coming, and be sure to spread the word to others you know who would be blessed and encouraged by my website and blog as well. In Him, Mae |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024