A shout out to my faithful subscribers! I can come share an evening of hope & encouragement5/25/2021 Hey there to my faithful ones that are not only subscribed to my channel, but that actually watch my videos!!😁 This is for you! And I'm asking you a favor. Would you like to get some friends, or neighbor ladies, or ladies in your community together for a wonderful evening of good ol hope and encouragement, and have me come speak? I'm all fired up and excited to give hope to those going through difficult things or seasons in life. I know it's hard, and that we all need encouragement from time to time, and I know my God is healer if broken hearts and broken lives. And I want to share that hope that only God can give us with your group. So plan an evening or maybe a morning (what ever works best), set the date, keep it simple, grab some refreshments, get your gals together, let me know I'll be there. If your not in my area right now, just let me know you would be interested in having me in the future and when we are heading your neck of the woods I'll let you know. Thanks so much for subscribing to my channel. For faithful hanging in there and following along with me in my journey here on my channel, and in life!! I look forward to hearing from you soon!! Mae Renfroe [email protected]
This is a repost from early spring 2019 when I first did these videos. Recently I had been thinking of these 2 videos and how I wanted to turn them into a written blog post as well as a message I could use for speaking purposes. I decided to share them again here on my blog for whoever may not have seen them when they were first posted. This was in my early video making so the quality may not be as good, but the message is still great!! So may you enjoy, and I do hope you would pass them to someone who could be blessed by these. Welcome to parts one and two to living a joy-filled life! How can you live joy-filled life when things are not always going smooth? If you your faced with great disappointments in life, or have gone through tragedies and your life as been changed forever? Or when things are not going your way, when things don't happen the way you wanted, when you wanted and how you wanted? In part one I cover the first 3 steps that I put together on living a joy-filled life. Learning to give thanks in all things, rejoicing constantly, and continuously forgiving. In part 2 I cover the last 3 of the six steps to living a joy filled life: Dieing to self, Seeking first the Kingdom of God, and Trusting God. For helpful grief resources, and to find me on my blog or website please visit Mae Renfroe Welcome to part two of remaining faithful till the end. I In this one I continue reading in Mathew 24. From verses 21 - 31. I encourage you to read the full chapter. In this chapter Jesus speaks up the tribulation, turmoil, and persecution that will take place before His coming. A common teaching out there says we will be raptured before the time of great tribulation. But here in Matthew 24 it tells bus we will go through much tribulation in the end times before He comes in a great cloud and with the sound of a very loud trumpet in which everyone will see Him. I did this video to help us be aware of what Jesus said will take place and what we can expect in the end which is getting closer and closer by the day. When we are aware of what is to take place we will not be taken off guard when these things start coming to past and we can be built up and we'll established in the faith and ready to stand strong. I want to encourage you to remain faithful, do the work the Lord has for us in these last times, and to trust and rest in the one who gives us peace. We have nothing to fear when we are secure in Christ. True love cast out fear. And it says, He didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Take heart, and be of courage God is with you until the end. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Mae Renfroe Hey there and welcome to this week's video. In this one I talk about stuff about the end times that's been on my mind and heart and what Jesus said about it in Mathew 24. I read some of Mathew 24 in this video, but I encourage you to read it all. this is not a deep study or end times prophecy at all. But just covering some things that are suppose to happen in the end before Jesus returns to take His people Home. What we are to expect, and what to look for. I encourage us to remain faithful amd strong. To be an encouragement and support to others, and get encouragement and support from fellow Christians. And to do the work God has for us until He does come. And keeping in mind our end and the end of many may be sooner than the end when He comes. So we need to be making the most of our days and times and reach out to others with the Hope and Love of Christ as we still can. This is not a time to sit idle. not a time to worry or fret at the news, but to get in Jesus Word and see what He says about His coming and what we are to be doing until the end. Stand Strong. Memorize scripture. Spread the Hope! Mae Renfroe www.maerenfroe.com Welcome to part 2 of Getting our fulfillment and spiritual food from God, Not the Church. In Jesus and with Jesus abiding in our hearts and lives, we can and always should feel spiritually full and alive. If we feel spiritual dead it's not the churches fault. we need to check ourselves, do a heart check. Are we still connected? How often do we think about God? How often do read His Word? How often do we Pray? Memorize scripture? Spiritual feeding happens on a daily basis right in our homes. We have a loving Heavenly Father who wants to come meet and dwell with us right in our homes on a daily, hourly, and minute basis. We are always in the presence of the Lord. We can each come before Him individually, and know Him personally. Not through a priest or prophet as in old times. But through a one on one conection with God. To connect with me or for more great resources please visit my website and blog. In Him, Mae I did this video to talk address something that I feel is very important and lacking. |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024