Welcome to part 4 of, Is it God you want or just Heaven? Do you really Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? And have you made Him the Lord of your Life? Or do you want to be the one in control? Have you gave him your whole being or just a part of you? I know this is an area that many of us may struggle with. So you are not alone. But I want you to know that He wants all of you. God loves you with a crazy passionate love. He wants to come dwell and make His abode in you. And it is really is all or none. Either your all in or your not in at all. So please ask yourself this question and analyze your life if it's God you really want or just heaven. And then make those changes you need to make as you fully surrender your will for His and make Him the Lord of your life. You will not regret it - in both this life and and the in the next- I promise! In Him, Mae Please contact me with any questions or if you need some encouragement right now in the season you are in. That's what I'm here for. Don't miss parts 1, 2, & 3 of this message.
Being thankful will cure resentfulness - even when things are not just as we would like Do you find your self being just a bit resentful about now due to everything going on with this social distancing stuff? Do you wish life would get back to normal already? I know I do. In this video, I talk about how being thankful in all things as God has instructed us to be is the cure to helping us not be resentful of changes in our lives right now due to COVID-19. I also talk about making the most of our time and finding new, creative and productive things to do with our extra time if we have any spare time. Our time is a gift from God. So we need to be good stewards of it. In Him, Mae p.s. Here is the link to my children's new YouTube show on the subject of faith. https://youtu.be/PmZW6vMGRAo I have exciting news for you! It's something for your children, and well, for you too!
OK here is the big news! My children started a show on you tube titled "My Sister Named Faith" you can find it on you-tube at: www.youtube.com/channel/UCHW76AQMjCK2dqh2Me50v6Q. Here below is their first episode! If you like it, stay tuned for more, and we would love it if you shared it with friends and family too. Mae Renfroe How does one find hope and have peace when the your life is shattered by the tragic and sudden loss of a child? Only with God can we go on in peace. This is our family's personal story of loss and the hope we have had in Christ through it all and how I know you can too whatever your story or storm in life may be. I have done previous videos on our story of loss, but this one is different that the others. In this video I take you over to exact the area of woods by our place where our son's quad accident took place. As I stand on the very spot where the quad rolled over on him and he left this earth forever I give you hope and encouragement that in God we still have hope. How I believe God has a plan and a purpose for what He allows to happen in our lives. And that one day we will meet our son again in Heaven. That is the hope we cling to here on earth and what keeps us going strong until we have the joy of joining him one glorious day in heaven. If are feeling overwhelmed in grieve from a loss or weighed down by other things in life and you need someone to connect with would can understand what your going through and help you to processes all those feelings please free to contact me. Or you want me to pray with you or for you. That is what I'm here for. Just send me a message in the contact box and i will get back to you as soon as I can. Take care, and may the God of all hope fill you with peace and joy! In Him, Mae ![]() Welcome to the first part of this series! ( For parts 2 & 3 just scroll down ) Do you really want God in your life and in your everyday? Do you really want to live a life fully surrendered to God and His Will? Do you really love God or with all your heart, soul, and being, or do you just want heaven? If you're not willing to go all-in and all out for God, then you may not be in at all. Welcome to parts 2 & 3 of, Do you really want God or just heaven? In these videos, I cover some really great verses on what it really means to truly seek God with our whole being and honor Him in everything we do. We are to prove all things and hold to that which is the good and perfect will of God, not excusing or justifying whatever we want to do. Jesus said not everyone who says," Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but those that do the will of my Father." If we truly love Him we will obey Him. May we examine our hearts and lives to see if it's God we truly seek after and desire or just heaven. Is it God really we seek, desire, and Love and want with all our hearts, or is it just heaven? Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments. This is a heart check to see if we truly love and know God. The Bible says this is how we know we know Him if we love Him and keep his comments. If you have any comments or questions for me just drop me a note in the comments and I will try to answer as soon as I can. In Him, Mae
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024