Introducing our newest baby!! A boy! Our new baby #10 vlog style video. Mae Renfroe
Mae Renfroe , wife and homeschooling mother of soon to be 10, gives advice and encouragement for those of little ones. The more you have doesn't mean it's harder. It actually gets easier. visit Mae over on her website and blog for encouragement, resources, and to see the 5 books she has written. Music: Happy Summer Musician: ZakharValaha URL: Five Reasons to memorize Scripture Mae Renfroe A study on Truth. God is God of truth . If we don't have Truth we don't have God. I absolutely love all the verses that are about truth. And I wonder if we realize what truth really is and the importance of it. God is the God of truth! And I love this verse. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV We can't reject the truth and think we still have God. We can't substitute the truth or compromise the truth. If we love God we must love the truth and walk in the way of truth. There's no other way!! No other way to the Father but by the way of Truth only!! Mae Renfroe. Music: Sweet Musician: LiQWYD URL: This week the children and I took a much needed spring break. But I didn't want it to be just a wasted week. I wanted them to continue their learning and also find creative or productive things to do. So one of the things we are doing in the mornings is thinking together of things they would like to see how they are made. Then we look them up on YouTube and watch them on our big screen. It's very interesting and educational to see how things are made on a huge scale and in massive quantities in the factories. YouTube can really add to your education plan for your children's school and make it work for you in a good and positive way. But be careful of the junk there as well. Mae Renfroe Music: Sweet Musician: LiQWYD URL: I've been a homeschooling mom for 16 years now. Here are my 5 reasons why I do what I do, and I keep going even though it's the hardest job I'll probably ever do in life. Yes, it's hard, but it's worth it for some reasons and so many ways!! Mae Renfroe Five reasons/benefits of reading the Bible together daily by Mae Renfroe. I share the importance and benefits of reading the Bible together daily in our home. don't underestimate the power of the Word in your home. The more you have it pouring in , the more you have it pouring out! Mae Renfroe Hey you all! Here are my five reasons I do nighttime devotions with my children. I encourage to do this in your home as well. It will be worth your time and effort! I promise you! :) Mae Renfroe News about my 10th baby Inspiration to keep on going when the going gets tough! Welcome to part 3 of my homeschooling series. Homeschooling is a hard job for sure, but it's worth all the work, prayers, and momma's tears. Know your why for homeschooling and keep at it! Don't quit! To connect with me and for more great resources and homeschooling support please visit my website and blog. Mae Renfroe Continuing in my homeschooling series in this video I talk about the most important thing we need to teach our children. To know the gospel message and to be able to confidently and efficiently share our faith with others. And have living for God and being a witness and a light being our highest priority in schooling and in life. To connect with me and more great resources please visit my website and blog. Mae Renfroe Hey there, Welcome to this video and to my channel. Today I'm talking about homeschooling. And how we are doing things a bit more relaxed and taking a different approach to learning and homeschooling this year. there's so many different options and learning styles that works for each child, and that is the joy and freedom of homeschooling. What works for one may not work for another. And you learn as you go. I hope you find this encouraging. And please feel free to connect with me over on my website and blog, and for additional resources I have there. Mae Renfroe Hey, I just did this short video to introduce my YouTube channel to anyone new here, and for those of you that have been following along and enjoying my channel. An introduction of who I am and what I do here ony channel. This is something you can share with others. Hey, and welcome to this week's video!! I'm talking about our 14 day quarantine from having just traveled to Canada from Texas. It has me just a bit upset having to quarantine like this when we are all perfectly well and healthy. and we are missing out on stuff. Like the kids Bible camp, going camping with my mom and sister, or just going down to the river. it's a bummer. Though even in this we have much to be thankful for. thankful for our good health, for my family, for a safe and peaceful place to live ( there is alot oh turmoil in the world right now) and that I have God as my Hope and My Help!! I also mention and fix something I said in my last video. I let mothers know that being a mother is one of the greatest things you do. It's great when families can be an outreach out side the home, but what we do in the home is so very vital, and is not less than. And it's our first place of outreach. To read my article Six Secrets to Living a Joyfilled Life please look here on my channel or visit my website and blog. And keep an outlook for my upcoming book Holding on to Hope. Our families story of loss and the hope that keeps them going. This book is coming fall 2021. Mae Renfroe Hey Everyone! Here is my message I gave in the park in our community this weekend. May this Word encourage and inspire you to go deeper in your walk with God so you can experience all that He has for you. So you can live a full live here on earth for God and have the hope of heaven one day when He returns to take His people Home. This world is not our true home, this earth will pass away, we are just passing through. And if we don't have God in our lives now we won't have God or the hope of heaven later. If it's not God we want now, It's not God we will have later. So may you be inspired and empowered in your walk with God. And may you in turn be a light to others so they too may have this same hope in Jesus. We can't keep it to ourselves. In Him, Mae P.S. If you would like me to share this same message in your church or community, like a park such as this one, or a community hall, just let me know. I would love to come share. Please see my speaking page or use the contact box. I'm also very eager to have opportunities to share my complete story of loss and a message hope and encouragement I have put together to encourage those going through hard things or difficult season in life. Hey there, just did this video to share my heart and passion for my ministry and what it is I feel God has placed on my heart and called me to along with my role as wife and mother. My ministry outside the home is just an overflowing of my ministry inside the home. Yes, mothers, we are in the ministry right in our homes too, as we mother and nurture these little ones and big ones. As we home-school or don't, or as we are cooking and cleaning, and training and diapering, etc.... It's ministry for sure. So what i share in this video is the overflow of what I do here in the home. I have a heart to draw other women like you closer to the heart of God to walk with Him daily, and so that you too can impart Him to your children. And have that heart to heart relationship with God and have your lives and homes flourishing with the things of God. May you enjoy this video. May it encourage you. And if I can be a help to you or offer you any other resources that will inspire in your walk with God and in your mothering please connect with me. Mae Renfroe Hey there busy mothers! Do you get discouraged once in awhile? Overwhelmed at times from trying to keep up with homeschooling and everything else? Like there is no end to the tasks in front of you? Your not alone! We all have these days from time to time. It's called reality and motherhood!! The inspiration for doing this video came from one of my down days. And you can tell the first part of the video was done when i just wasn't feeling all into it. The last part was done the next day with renewed energy and fresh inspiration. So may this be a help to you in your down and overwhelmed days. Knowing that there is better days ahead. And that we have our Heavenly father watching over us and singing over us. And is fighting for us. And gives us the strength and wisdom for parenting if we just ask. For His yoke is easy and His burden Light. He will give you rest and peace, In Him, Mae Please visit my page encouragement for mothers for more resources. Just wanted to do this little video to encourage and challenge you commit your life and surrender more and more to God. Now is the time to put off the old man and put on the righteousness of God. The goodness of God and fruits of the Spirit. Casting off those things of the world and the things that consume our time and money, and being and doing the work of Lord. And all the more so now that the end is drawing closer. Being in the Word. Desiring Truth, and sharing it with others. May we be found faithfully doing the will of God. Shining our lights brighter than ever! To connect with me or for more great resources please visit my website and blog. Mae Renfroe
In this episode, I introduce my youtube series that I'm in the process of doing on the 7th day Sabbath, the 10 commandments, the day of Jesus' resurrection, as well as certain holidays and traditions. I'm calling this series Desiring Truth.
There is so much misconception around these topics and it's my desire to help reveal the truth on this. And draw us all closer to the heart of God. It's so important and vital to know the truth on these subjects and on anything because God is the God of truth and we are to worship God in Spirit and in truth. I also talk about how we are to put off the things of this world putting off the old man and putting on the new man. Having a new focus, new priorities, new interests. I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to you as you grow closer to the heart of God. For more great resources please visit my website and blog. Mae Renfroe What's driving you and what are you chasing after - the things of this world or God? Video11/24/2020 Hey Friend,
What’s driving you? What are you chasing after? 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is it’s own trouble. Mathew 6: 32-34 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive. Jer 29:12-14 Only God should be our motivation and the driving force in our lives. Not money, not fear, not our personal comfort, not what others think. What are we chasing after? Entertainment? Self-satisfaction? Self-glorification? Self-promotion, popularity? God needs to be our focus and drive. we need to be chasing after God. When we seek God with all our hearts he will be found of us. Read Mathew 6:19-21 We can’t serve God and mammon. “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. 14 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they [a]derided Him. Luke 16:13 -14 Mathew 6: 19 -21 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Jer. 29:10-14
How to raise mission-minded children? Podcast
I can't say i have the answers to raising mission-minded children because this has not been my focus over the years, nor sadly was not what has been a part of my own personal life nor what I felt we needed to be training our children in. Missions and being missionaries were for others. That’s not who we were or what we did. We just lived our lives for God and kept our faith much to ourselves or at least was not out evangelizing as missionaries that was not our call. But recently I have been very convicted in this area. The great commission is a command for all. And I feel it is definitely something we need to be doing ourselves and raising our children to be mission-minded. How do we expect them to care about the lost and unreached if they don’t see that care in us the parents and showing them by example? They will just follow our footsteps of living their lives very much just for themselves. So i can’t really i don’t have to how-tos, but i have the don’ts. Missions are not just for missionaries, the call is for all. Ann Dunagan I just came across some really great missions podcast. First, i listened to Pam Feilds podcast number 19 titled Mission Minded Motherhood where she interviewed Ann Dunagan. Ann talked about her family’s ministry and about how we are we all have a responsibility to share the gospel. From that podcast, i went to Ann’s podcast called Mission-Minded Families podcast, and from hers found a couple of others too. Missions suitcase, Ann Dunagan Podcast mission-minded families The Mission Suitcase by Lisa Batchelor The Mom Next Door By Pam Feilds # 19 Mission Minded Motherhood with Anna Dunagan. Dos: Here is some ideas that i think we will help besides just being a good example in being mission-minded. IS praying for the unsaved, reading missionary stories, listening to missions podcast, watching missionary or missions-minded films Dont’s: Don’t be too focused on entertainment, stuff, money, activities that pull families every from home in different directions. The apostle Paul I believe is a good example of a missionary who was not driven by money, and went through numerous hardships for the gospel’s sake, not considering his own health and wealth. And many more noble yet humble missionaries in our history who were so dedicated and full of compassion for the hearts and souls of the lost that they went to the very ends of the earth, risking their very lives in so many different ways, had very little of material wealth, and this world's comfort for no other reason except all for the Love of God and for the sake of bringing the gospel to those that hadn't heard. That is what we need to be presenting to our children. And are they still in? Are they still hungry for God and for living out their lives for Him and purposes? Are they willing to say yes not considering the cost or what this may cost them? Not considering what they may lose here on earth, but what they will gain in heaven. If we are of Christ then our hearts need to be in alignment with His. The love of God is laying down our lives for others. In Him, Mae Renfroe
Hey fellow mothers, I'm back! it's been awhile since I've been able to do an episode , and I'm excited about doing this one. I talk about the verse 2 Corinthians 5:20 that says we are to be ambassadors for Christ.
So I dig into what exactly is an ambassador, and how that looks for us as Christ followers. What is our role as ambassadors and what makes a great ambassador. We as mom's are to ambassadors for Christ and we are to be raising our children to be ambassadors. When we realize just who we are in Christ and fully embrace and step into that then it takes care of so many other issues in our lives. We can then have our perspectives and priorities in the right alignment with God and His will.
2 corinthians 5:20
"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." We are to be ambassadors for Christ. But what exactly is an ambassador?
Ambassador [amˈbasədər] NOUN
an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. An ambassador is an official envoy, usually a high-ranking diplomat who has been appointed to be in another country on behalf of their own country. They represent the moral principals and standards of their country, even though they may be far away from their homeland. When people see them they think of the country they represent. a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity. "he is a good ambassador for the industry" synonyms: campaigner · representative · exponent · promoter · proponent · advocate · champion · supporter · backer · upholder · protagonist · booster
And what does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? It could be said this way, that the “best of the best” is to be representing God, through His Son Jesus Christ here on earth! It must be someone who exemplifies Jesus. God wants to speak to us and through us, by His Son. (Hebrews 1:2-3)
What is the role we are to carry out? we need to be in tune with that which is godly. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread.” Matthew 6:10-11. God’s will be done! How can this happen in my personal life? In order to have His will done in my life, my own will has to be done away with. “Behold, I have come … to do Your will, O God.” Hebrews 10:7-9. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. What are the qualifications of a good ambassador? As an ambassador for God, my self-will must be crucified so I can do God’s will.when my “self” is given up, then Christ can live in me and through me, to an ever increasing degree. 4 but just as we have been approved by God pto be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not qto please man, but to please God rwho tests our hearts. 1 Thessaianloians 2:4 We need to be equipped in the word and in the knowledge of His Truth and righteousness. Be strong and courageous. Be bold and fearless. Be ready to give an account of the hope that's in you. A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflect Jesus Christ.
In this episode I add to my series I'm covering in Be That Mom.
Be that mom - that disciplines her children with love and patience. I talk about the mistakes I made in my early parenting years and what to watch out for and avoid. I talk about the 4 styles of parenting and which one is the ideal one and which produces the outcome in our children that we all want and that is best for them as they grow to follow after God and that will enable them to be well balanced and secure children. Here is the link to the article I read about the 4 styles of parenting here on this episode of the podcast. The book I referred to on this episode is called, If Jesus Were a Parent, by Hal Perkins. This book was not personally recommended me but was recommended to moms in general on a large-family Facebook group I am on. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more. Mae Renfroe Be that mom podcast - use your experiences, wisdom, & inspiration to pour into others mothers8/4/2020
Hey there, I have done a video out of my regular series to bring you something that has been on my heart and mind that i just had to share. So here it is and may you be blessed ,encouraged ,and inspired to get off the couch and see what great adventures God has waiting just for you! It's time to revolutionize your life! I believe it's time we Christians stop seeking our own entertainment and start living the adventurous, fulfilling, productive, and never boring life that God wants us to live. It's only one life we have to live for God, so let's do with all our might, with all our hearts, with all our passion, with all our energy, with all our being, and with everything we got. Life is simply too short to do other wise. Our days and times are far to precious and few. Let's stop filling ourselves with entertainment and let's start living an adventurous, productive, and an abundantly-full and rewarding life for God. And let's go after the things of God like there is no tomorrow. Because one day there won't be. Mae Renfroe |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024