It has been awhile since I did a newsy blog post. So here goes! I have been busy with the children's school. That keeps me busy every day until in the after-noon, unless I have to go somewhere for a reason and then there goes school altogether, at least for the younger ones who rely on my help. This week I had to take Sam in Monday because he had an ear infection and got him antibiotics, and then Sarah in on Thursday for because of an infection and got her antibiotics. But otherwise our school goes good and we do that five days a week. I am now about 15 weeks along with our 9th baby which is due April 15th, 2019. I have been feeling very well at this point and we are all excited about our newest baby. As I have time I write here on my blog, and I have been trying hard to work on volume 2 of my book, As For me and My House. I can't wait to have that one finished and I know several of you are looking forward to as well. But I am not good at just sitting down and getting at it. I find the editing part so hard and time consuming. But soon I will say it is good enough for me to get a proof copy and then will read and check for some more errors that way. I will update here where the book is ready for sale. I have just recently written an article and summited it to Nancy Campbell, editor of Above Rubies magazine, to come out in a recent issue. So that will be very exciting. It is the story of our loss along with lot's of inspiration, hope, and encouragement. I will announce that here when it comes out and how you can get yourself an issue if are not already a regular subscriber of Above Rubies. I am still working on getting my practice hours for my coaching. ( For anyone reading this you feel like you could use some coaching on a particular thing just contact me, see also my coaching page.) I need about 10 more hours coaching hours before I can receive my certification. These things take awhile but I am so very eager to get my course finished and get on with the next thing I want to take. Which is the coaching speakers course. I am so excited about taking that course!
Most of my readers know I have felt a call on my life and a tug on my heart to public speaking. I am still waiting on the Lord to open doors that way, and in the meantime preparing my self as much as I can. The message I have right now that I want to share through speaking, called When your World is falling Apart, I have committed to reading it daily and even twice daily if I can manage. The plan is to have the message fixed securely in my head making it easier for me to speak when the times comes. and it is the least I can do while I wait. If you would like to learn more about my speaking please visit my speaking page. Well that sums up what I am currently up to for now. God bless! Have an amazing day! In Him, Mae
![]() On Friday night of Oct. 6th, 2018 my dear daddy went on to be with the Lord. He was 79 years young, and 2 months short of his 80th Birthday. He went very peacefully in his sleep, and had been feel good as usual just the day before. For that we couldn't be more thankful. What a wonderful way to go. But it was so sudden for the family, and loosing a parent is still hard. We had a little graveside service with family and long-time friends of my Dad and Moms. It was a very nice service which was done by one of my brothers. We laid in him to rest right beside our son Clayton's grave. That was precious. But of course hard at the same time. I have so many special memories of Dad. But the greatest part of his life to me was his strong and unwavering walk he had with the Lord. God was so real and alive in his life. And it was all part of who he was. There was no division between his spiritual life and the rest of his life. That was his life. And what a wonderful example that has been to me. I give all the credit of who I am in the Lord today to my dad and my mom. To me they were a great example to what an, 'as for me and my house', should look like. I will always have great memories to look back on and cherish, but I'm going to be missing my dad the rest of my life! In Him, Mae Hey, just wanted to share our new and exciting news here with everyone!
Baby coming in April 2019!! Not only is God blessing us again with a new baby, but He is giving it to us in April right around the time of the second anniversary of our loss. I feel that is so special. We will have nine children then! Praise the Lord! He is good! In Him, Mae This is what we covered in our last nights Ladies Bible studies. It was previously a blog post, but sharing again so any of you wanting to see what the Bible study was about you can. Who we are in Christ It is so easy to only focus on who we are as fleshly humans. And our own capabilities. But in Christ we are so much more than that.
Who we are in Christ is the things we need to be putting our focus on. Celebrating and embracing who we are in Him. And what we are through Him and because of Him. It will strengthen us, and make us bolder and stronger in the Lord, when we realize who we truly are now, and not who we were. We are anew creation! We are not of this world! We are no longer a slave to sin!! Praise the LORD!! Here below is a list that complied of who we are in Christ with verse references to go with them. Who we are in Christ We are..... - Made in God's image ( Gen 1:27 ) - A child of God ( Romans 8:16-17 ) - Redeemed and washed in His blood ( Romans 5:6-11, 17-19 ) - A new creature in Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6: 15; Ephesians 4:24 ) - A peculiar people ( 1 Peter 2:9-10 ) - One in Christ ( John 17:21-23 ) - Sons and daughters of our Father ( Romans 8:16 -17 ; Romans 8:14 ; Hosea 10:1 ) - Loved ,accepted, and forgiven ( Hebrew 8:12; John 3:16; Matt. 16:14 ) - No longer a slave to sin ( Romans 6: 5-6 ,9-14,17-19, 22-23 ; 2 Corinthians 5: 17,21 ) - A chosen generation ( 1 Peter 2:9; John 15:16 ) - A royal priesthood ( 1 Peter 2:9 ) - Ambassadors for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:20 ) - The children of light ( 1 Thessalonians 5:5 ) - Not of this World ( John 17:14-16; John 15:19 ) - Friends of Jesus ( John 15:14 ) - Dead to sin and alive to Christ ( Romans 6: 1-11 ; Colossians 3: 1-4 ) - Not our own ( 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 ) - Bought with a price ( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ) - A temple of the Holy Ghost ( 1 Corithians 6 : 19-20 ) - Born again ( John 3:1-7 ) Celebrate and embrace who you are in Christ! Your past has nothing on you any longer! Your a brand new creation! AMEN!! |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024