Dear friends,
I know many of you have been following along with me on our family's journey since the loss of our son, Clayton, in 2017. You have seen as I've been given encouragement and inspiration through Facebook, here on my website & blog, and my YouTube channel of what God has been doing in our lives, and the hope that has kept us going. And now my new book as well, Holding on to Hope. Well, I would absolutely love the opportunity to share with you in person that hope & peace I have and my message of hope & encouragement. If you have friends or family, or ladies from your church that you feel could benefit from my story and message. You can get them together for an evening or afternoon of refreshments and fellowship and I'll be glad to come share. And I'll bring along a few of my latest books. It can be as small as a handful of friends in your living room or bigger like at a community center or your church. "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we may go through in this life." And that's what I invite women to, is that close and intimate relationship with God that produces that true peace and joy regardless of our situations and what we go through in life. Please contact me by commenting below, or by email, and I will get with you as soon as I can. Anything that is out of my preferred traveling area at the moment, I will consider for the future when I might be in that area. Looking forward to hearing from you!! Mae Renfroe [email protected] Find me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Hey you all!! I'm so happy to announce that my latest book is in the works! And in fact is nearing completion. Praise the Lord! This is a very time consuming project for me being a busy homeschooling mom, but I'm very excited about it just the same. And can't wait for it to be finished and ready for you. There is some really great and powerful content in this book to encourage you in your journey regardless of what you may be going through in life. Watch this video for more details about my book! Look for Holding On To Hope coming later this fall! Mae Renfroe Hey, I just did this short video to introduce my YouTube channel to anyone new here, and for those of you that have been following along and enjoying my channel. An introduction of who I am and what I do here ony channel. This is something you can share with others. A shout out to my faithful subscribers! I can come share an evening of hope & encouragement5/25/2021 Hey there to my faithful ones that are not only subscribed to my channel, but that actually watch my videos!!😁 This is for you! And I'm asking you a favor. Would you like to get some friends, or neighbor ladies, or ladies in your community together for a wonderful evening of good ol hope and encouragement, and have me come speak? I'm all fired up and excited to give hope to those going through difficult things or seasons in life. I know it's hard, and that we all need encouragement from time to time, and I know my God is healer if broken hearts and broken lives. And I want to share that hope that only God can give us with your group. So plan an evening or maybe a morning (what ever works best), set the date, keep it simple, grab some refreshments, get your gals together, let me know I'll be there. If your not in my area right now, just let me know you would be interested in having me in the future and when we are heading your neck of the woods I'll let you know. Thanks so much for subscribing to my channel. For faithful hanging in there and following along with me in my journey here on my channel, and in life!! I look forward to hearing from you soon!! Mae Renfroe [email protected] Praising God for the amazing turn out to Gospel message in the park. It didn't go as I had expected or prayed for, but it went above and beyond all my expectations. All glory to God. God went way beyond my expectations for the gospel message in the park. praise be to God. Ephesians 3:20 May you be blessed and encouraged to trust God in everything you do. His Word will not go out void! And if you would like have me come and share at your church or ladies group please contact me. Visit my speaking page here. Mae Renfroe P.S. At the time of sharing this blog post we are up to 523 views on the Facebook video. YAHOO!!! Hey Everyone! Here is my message I gave in the park in our community this weekend. May this Word encourage and inspire you to go deeper in your walk with God so you can experience all that He has for you. So you can live a full live here on earth for God and have the hope of heaven one day when He returns to take His people Home. This world is not our true home, this earth will pass away, we are just passing through. And if we don't have God in our lives now we won't have God or the hope of heaven later. If it's not God we want now, It's not God we will have later. So may you be inspired and empowered in your walk with God. And may you in turn be a light to others so they too may have this same hope in Jesus. We can't keep it to ourselves. In Him, Mae P.S. If you would like me to share this same message in your church or community, like a park such as this one, or a community hall, just let me know. I would love to come share. Please see my speaking page or use the contact box. I'm also very eager to have opportunities to share my complete story of loss and a message hope and encouragement I have put together to encourage those going through hard things or difficult season in life. Hey there, just did this video to share my heart and passion for my ministry and what it is I feel God has placed on my heart and called me to along with my role as wife and mother. My ministry outside the home is just an overflowing of my ministry inside the home. Yes, mothers, we are in the ministry right in our homes too, as we mother and nurture these little ones and big ones. As we home-school or don't, or as we are cooking and cleaning, and training and diapering, etc.... It's ministry for sure. So what i share in this video is the overflow of what I do here in the home. I have a heart to draw other women like you closer to the heart of God to walk with Him daily, and so that you too can impart Him to your children. And have that heart to heart relationship with God and have your lives and homes flourishing with the things of God. May you enjoy this video. May it encourage you. And if I can be a help to you or offer you any other resources that will inspire in your walk with God and in your mothering please connect with me. Mae Renfroe Ladies Night August 27th - your personal invitation! Hey there, I'm so excited to announce I'm planning a evening of hope, encouragement, and inspiration just for the ladies. If you're in the area you're more than welcome. We have covid- 19 guidelines to follow, but we will be together and it will be an amazing and special evening. Tell your church ladies, invite a friend, tell a neighbor, and hope to see you there!! See my events page for more details. I have 2 invitation videos here for you. The first one I did at our local cemetery ( when you watch you will know why I choice that location ). The other video I did at a beautiful lake where my family and I were camping this past week. This video at the lake doubles as both an invite and a video of hope and inspiration! So either way you can still enjoy it. And I do plan to live stream this event too so matter where you live you can catch this event just the same. ( See the livestream video below these two. ) In Him, Mae Renfroe
![]() Hey you all! Here is the video for my speaking event in Manning, Alberta on March 5th, 2020. The first one of this nature. I feel it went very well, and even though we didn't have very many come out, the ones that did come were really touched by the message and really enjoyed it. I knew most of them there and that helped put me at ease and made me very comfortable and confident behind the mic. And now I am all geared up and excited for the next event on March 24th, 2020. SO if you are in the area and didn't make it to my first event you will want to plan to make for this one. It's going to be a great evening of encouragement and inspiration! Maybe you are facing circumstances that seem unfair, or a loss that seems unbearable. We are going to focus on the goodness of God and the hope and peace that comes from a deep faith and trust in Him. And how God uses the bad things that happened to us for our good and His glory. In Him, Mae |
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024