( Reposting a blog post that was orginally written on my older blog in 2016. Be and sure to read the update at the bottom of the post! )
There is nothing that means more to me than using my life to serve and honor God and be a blessing to others. It is my highest goal and greatest desire in life! Apart from being a wife and mother- which is in its self a very great and honorable role along with being a huge responsibility to boot, I have been praying about what other areas or things the Lord might have for me to do. This has really intensified in the last couple of years. Last year I had had the great privilege of helping to organize and plan an Above Rubies Ladies Retreat in our area. This year I am organizing an Above Rubies Family Camp. Super excited about that, and having lots of fun working on the all the details that it involves. It has been in the back of my mind for some time now about writing a couple of books. And it has been more and more on my mind lately, though I just don't see how it is going to happen. Praying that if this is the Lord's idea and not just mine, He will show me how I am to make that a reality. The books I am wanting to write is a devotional, and the other a book of promises from Psalm. The book of devotionals will be composed largely of my writings here as well as more writings I have been busy at lately in my notebook. The book of promises form Psalms will be filled with beautiful pictures, and then verses from Psalms that will be organized in categories. I already have my categories are written down, and lots of ideas for it in my head!! A new thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is starting a website ministry. I have this blog that has been a wonderful blessing for me. I feel though maybe I could do more on a website, and reach more people that way as well. So praying for the Lord's direction in that. I will share that here soon as I do have a website. I will try to link the two together or something. Another thing I would love to do is to be able to sing better and to be able to speak comfortably in front of a big crowd. Anyone who was at the ladies retreat last year will know my lack of speaking skills!! And I certainly did not dare lead in singing! I would so love to though! That is one of my dreams by the way. I am committed to practice singing with my children every day. A new goal of mine for this year. Practice makes perfect, right!? And every time I read to the children I pretend that I am speaking to a group of ladies!! That should work right!? I know that we all have different talents, and it could very well be singing and speaking is not mine, and never will be. But I am concerned about being guilty of having talents and not using them or using my time wisely. I believe the more we use our talents to bless God with, the more He will bless us with talents. We all have talents or gifts that we excel in, and they all differ from one another. What is important is that we use them always and only for God. May you be a blessing to God and to those around you with your time and talents! In Him, Mae ( p.s. update Agu. 3, 2018. Since the time I had written the above blog post I have felt God calling me to speaking and I have had a couple opurtuties now, and I did so much better than I did at that ladies retreat mention here. I can not wait to see what all God has planned for me in thies area in my futuer. Right now I am currently enrolled in a Christian life coach course, and after the completetion of that I will be taking the Life Coach speaking course. Then I will be a certified Life Coach Speaker. I am so excaited!! I love how God opens doors!! Look what God can do with a shy girl like me! He can do it for you too! He is very amazing!)
Hi, Here is a video blog post from my house to yours! You will be sure to be blessed!! It had been a couple months since I did one, and it's the first one for here in Texas. I had really been anxious to do one, and finally got a quite moment and just done it!!! May you enjoy it! This video post is not one particular subject, but more of an update on us and me, and what I have been up to lately. This video is a bit long, and I admit maybe even boring at the front, but hang in there the really good stuff is in the middle and end of it! On this video you will..... ~ hear how the children beat this Texas heat! ~ see me show and tell about my latest project. ~ hear me brag on my first graduate from our home-school!!! ~ be inspired to dream big! If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough! ~ be hearing me talk about my newest venture and how it is I've been inspired to do it, and how God has been confirming it again and again! God doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies the called! ~ be encouraged to not only do the hard things, but the seemly impossible things God has called you to do! Remember all things are possible with God! ~ be inspired as I talk about how our life is gift, and not to be taken for granted or merrily wasted. Our time is something to be invested not spent! ~ be encouraged and comforted if you have experienced the tragic loss of a child. There is hope in Christ. So watch. Enjoy! And please share it with your family or friends!
So if you feel like there is something you want to do like this, or a desire has been put on your heart for it. Then pursue it in prayer, and see how God leads. You may not have all the talents and abilities that you need at the time, but if it's the Lord's will He will give you what you need, and provide a way to make it all happen.
Give God what you got, even if it seems quite meager, and you will be surprised what He can do with it! He just needs a willing vessel and a voice to speak through! Moses did not feel qualified or cable of going before Pharaoh and speaking to him on behalf of the Israelite people, but God told him to go. So Mosses went. And God provided! As the saying goes, God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called! Also someone wise has said, "If your dream doesn't scare you then you haven't dreamed big enough! So dream big, step out in faith, and He will provide a way! In Him, Mae And remember your talent is God's gift to you, and what you do with your talent is your gift to God!
![]() Still I hadn't considered my self a writer though. And even when I self-published my first book I never thought of my self as an author! Because that just wasn't who I was. That's what ever one else did, but not me. I was just a stay at home mom with no talents! But I guess I do have a bit of talent. I can lay pen to paper or my fingers to the key-broad and the words just seem to flow! In fact the words seem to just come at times when I am not purposely writing, and then I have to run grab paper and pen or I loose my thoughts. But it's not me. It is all God. I couldn't possibly do it without Him! And I praise Him for it. I am simply the instrument in His hand. I Love the saying, 'Your talent is God's gift to you, and what you do with that talent is your gift back to God.' ~ Each of us has a talent or two, which is a gift to us from God. Let's use that gift for His glory! How some people seemed to be used by God more than others. This has been something I have been thinking of lately how some people seemed to be used by God more than others. I had talked to my oldest son about that too. I asked him," Why do you think it is some people are used more by God than others.?" I think the answer for that lies in the individual. Are we making our selves available to God for His use? How willing are we to lay down our lives, our plans, our desires, and our wants, for His will and plans instead? Are there some areas in our lives that we do not let him be apart of, or some things we just flat tell God that we can not do? For instance, earlier this summer I had an opportunity to share at out local Bible Camp about our son Clayton, who passed away this spring, and a message God put on my heart to share about the hope we have in Christ. Now speaking in front of a crowd is certainly not my thing, yet here it was something on my heart to do and the more I thought about it the more excited I became. Though I also at times I seriously had my doubts on it, and did feel like telling God, " It is great idea, but I have a difficult time talking in front of a crowd and a group of senior highs no less. So sorry God, but I just can't do it." I could have said no. But if I had I would have lost an opportunity for God to work through me, to be an encouragement and blessing to the young people. And a blessing to my self as well. I came away the second time from speaking at camp on a high! After sharing my message they all prayed for me and my family, and it was such a amazing moment. My prayer is that I am always a ready vessel for His use no matter what it is. Even if it takes me way out of my comfort zone. I want to be used by Him in every way I can and at every opportunity possible. In doing this He will make us a more usable vessel for His service. Then He can use us for what ever He wants. ~ May we all make our selves more available for God's use. In Him, Mae I find if I start writing about a certain topic or thought that comes to me, then even more will come. I did not always do this, but now when something comes to my mind that I think or know will be a blessing to someone else I quickly write down a title so I will not forget. And when I get time to write on that subject and focus in on it God blesses me with more and more inspiration. Write down what thoughts God gives you, you never know what will become of it!
Meet Mae
I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Paul, of over 25 years. Mommy to 10 blessings, ages 24 to 2 years. Our 2nd oldest son, at age 14, has gone on to be with the Lord on April 19th, 2017. I share about that new road we are on here on my blog. Categories
![]() My first 7 years of blogging.
Great inspirational reading! "I believe a greater intimacy with God leads us to an inner peace, unquenchable joy, & an ever-lasting hope regardless of what we go through in life." Mae Archives
June 2024